Design based on BEESAT series experience of the TU Berlin and the CyBEEsat consortium of BNA member companies
Payload capacity: 0.5U / 1 kg
Unique features: passive attitude control and nutation damping, Linux-based on-board computing capabilities and security features
VCOM commuication module for the VHF/UHF short-duration mission (SDM) band
Design based on developments of NanoFF project at TU Berlin
Payload capacity: 1700 cm³ and 3 kg
Unique features: redundant design, attitude control using reaction wheels, orbit determination using GNSS receivers, propulsion system for orbit control, corner-cube reflectors for laser ranging from ground, communications with 4 Mbit/s
Possible applications: multispectral Earth observation (30 metres GSD at VIS channels, 90 metres GSD at TIR channel), on-orbit verification (OOV)
6 or 8 Units / Customized
Design based on SALSAT project experience at TU Berlin
Payload capacity: 4U and 8 kg
Total mass: up to 16 kg
Unique features: redundant design, attitude control using reaction wheels, orbit determination using GNSS receivers, propulsion system for orbit control, corner-cube reflectors for laser ranging from ground, communications with up to 100 Mbit/s
Possible applications: hyperspectral Earth observation, on-orbit verification (OOV), robotic applications